Thursday, December 30, 2010
22 Weeks
Baby will soon be able to grip his own bottle, but he's still not ready to drink from it unsupervised. Falling asleep with milk pooled around his mouth can lead to an ear infection, and he also could choke on the milk. Better safe than sorry, especially when baby is learning a new skill.
Blocks are a great toy for him--they're big enough for him to grab and encourage the thumb-and-forefinger grip that he'll continue to develop over the coming months. He's also learning the fun (for him) game of dropping things. Though it might feel as though he's just trying to torture you, he actually likes hearing the sound objects make when they hit the ground.
WOW....22 weeks old. To think when I was 22 weeks pregnant, he had no name, and we had JUST found out he was a he. :) Hard to believe the time has just flown by. It really is crazy to think of how fast a human baby grows. I mean in one year they go from the womb to walking talking little beings. It's just so crazy....
This week some pretty amazing things have happened. First off...Ben actually enjoyed taking a bath....TWICE! So was definitely a nice and MUCH appreciated change from the red in the face screaming that usually ensues upon bath time. He is still smiling all the time, and honestly just such a good boy. He goes down for naps great, and he is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! SO nice...and again...MUCH appreciated. :)
January is just a mere 38 hours away...which brings with it a brand spankin new year. I know I have already said this before...and I'm sure I'll say it again, but this year has just flown by. It's amazing to think that one year ago, we had just found out we were having a baby. I remember the looks on the faces of my family and friends as we told them we were pregnant, I remember each persons response....good and bad....they are forever etched in my brain. I'll never forget the day I got a positive test. :) I'm anxious to know what 2011 will bring...I have friends and family who are expecting babies, some we know what they're having, and others we don't know yet. I just hope whatever the new year brings for my family it includes happiness, healthfulness, and loads of wonderful memories. :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Happy Holidays!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Shutterfly's New Holiday Cards
Thursday, November 4, 2010
November....14 1/2 weeks!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Oh How Time Flies...
Monday, August 23, 2010
4 Weeks Old!
Monday, August 16, 2010
3 Weeks!
We had our first family outing yesterday. We went to Huber's Farm for my hubby's company picnic. Ben did great. Although at only three weeks old I can't say I was expecting him to act out. :) He mostly slept the entire day away. Ah the life of an infant.....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Long Time Gone....
Friday, July 16, 2010
WEEK 36!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
35 WEEKS!!!
A rapidly growing brain makes your baby's head weigh more and that means more pressure on Mommy's bladder.
Your baby is standing tall (so to speak) this week at about 20 inches and continues his steady weight gain (he's about 5.5 pounds). While he won't get much longer, he will continue to pack on the pounds - including large amounts of baby fat - right up 'til delivery day. Something else that's moving at a mind-boggling pace these day: fetal brain development! There's a lot going on inside that tiny head, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal.
Another fantastic week of being pregnant....NOT! I am really REALLY getting miserable at this point. The heat is KILLING me...and on top of that, I am now having contractions every single day. Tuesday I thought FOR SURE he would be her sooner rather than later. I seriously had contractions all morning. I was so sore by the time I made it to my doctors appointment. I had her check me....NOTHING! Talk about disappointment. Everything else was good news though. Didn't gain too much weight the last two weeks, blood pressure was great, and we're back to measuring a week early. I'm hoping when I go again in two weeks I can convince them to schedule me another ultrasound. :) I'd just like to be able to see his sweet face again before D-DAY. Speaking of D-DAY I have a new game plan if he isn't here by the date of my last currently scheduled appointment....which is Wednesday August 4. I am going to BEG my doctor to induce me Monday August 9th. Which is NOT that early...considering I'm due the 14th...but I would really really like that. Then we'll go to the hospital Sunday night...probably late...and they'll get me all hooked up and started on drugs, tell me to get some sleep, and then break my water at some point I guess.
Even though I"m SUPER excited for him to get here, it makes me a little bit nervous too. We have just about everything set up for him to come home. Pack N Play is in our room and ready to go...bouncy seat is set up in the family room....swing is set up and currently in his room, but I'll probably move it into the family room too. I want to get everything where it's going to be when we bring him home so the dogs have time to get used to all the new stuff. I just keep reading about how it is better for your animals if you get everything positioned how you want it BEFORE baby comes home so they can adjust to the new pieces of furniture, and THEN adjust to the newest member of the family. :)
This weekend my goal is to finish up Ben's laundry, get the house organized, and car seat bases installed in both cars. Quite a lofty list....but I'm hopeful that I can make it all work. :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you soon! xoxo
Friday, July 2, 2010
Week 34!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
33 Weeks!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
3 Days Only!
Happy Shopping Bloggy Friends!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
32 Weeks!!!
Your baby is practicing survival skills like sucking and breathing, while your uterus is practicing some Braxton Hicks contractions!
What's up with your baby? He's starting to get ready for his big debut, tipping the scales at almost four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches. In these past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as he hones the skills he'll need to thrive outside the womb -- from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. And speaking of sucking, your little one has been able to suck his thumb for a while now. Something else to note: As more and more fat accumulates under your baby's skin, he's becoming less transparent and more opaque.
32 weeks....what a HUGE milestone! I mean seriously...when someone tells you they're 32 weeks it's like OH...well you don't have that much longer. AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Completely insane. This week for the first time I got totally creeped out by Ben moving. He isn't rolling around anymore (not enough room I don't think), but I had a hard spot on my belly, and when I put my hand there it was like a little hand or foot or something just rolled right over where my fingers were. CREEPY! Like some alien or something. But now that I've had a few days to get used to it I really enjoy this almost more than him rolling all around. This week we had a pretty bad storm one night, and so we turned off the TV, hubby whipped out his guitar, and he played some lullabies to Ben. :) It made my heart melt. And also Ben really enjoyed it...he started kicking and moving all about for Mary Had a Little Lamb. :) So awesome.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Doctors visit next Wednesday, so we'll have my monthly doctor update, and also a new month and new fruit!! YIKES! Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo
Friday, June 11, 2010
WEEK 31!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
30 WEEKS!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
29 WEEKS!!
Baby's energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you've also probably noticed -- they don't necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
Your baby's packing on the pounds, which look so cute on him. If only you could say the same for your varicose veins....
How big is your baby this week? He weighs nearly three pounds now and measures about 17 inches. Though he's getting pretty close to his birth length, he still has to chub out a bit. In fact, over the next 11 weeks, he'll more than double - or even come close to tripling - his weight. And as he grows and the room in your womb gets tighter, you'll be less likely to feel those big kicks, and more likely to get poked by an elbow or jabbed by a knee!
HOLY MOLY! I know I've been tallying how far along I am for weeks, but to hear that there's only 11 more to go is just insane. I feel like there is so much I need to tell from this past week, but at the moment I have nothing to say. Baby is moving as I type. Must know I'm thinking about him. :) Had our doctors visit this week.....gained some more weight. :P On the bright side of things, I passed my glucose test! YAY!! That was super exciting....I sure would've been sad if I had to give up my nightly ice cream routine. Like seriously would have been devastated. LOL. That is so pathetic. Oh well....story of my pregnant life....Here's this week's stats!!
HOW FAR ALONG: 29 weeks
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN / LOSS: + 6 more....which puts me at like over 20....I'm sick of counting quite frankly. LOL.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Yup....had a meltdown yesterday morning because I had nothing to wear. I ended up wearing a shirt I had already worn once this week. Time to go to the consignment store again I think...
STRETCH MARKS: Sadly yes. I saw my first one on my belly on Wednesday. Talk about depressing.
SLEEP: Surprisingly doing a little bit better. Although, I do not recommend watching Transformers before going to you weird dreams that keep you up all night. Very weird....
BEST MOMENTS LAST WEEK: Hearing my baby boy's heartbeat again. Never ever ever gets old. And also passing my glucose test on the first try! I was super excited. :)
MOVEMENT: All the time. I read that I should be counting his movements about 30 minutes or so after I eat, and he should move 10 times within an hour....I gave that a try, and It didn't take me 30 seconds to count 10 movements. This boy is all over the place!
FOOD CRAVINGS: Yeah...still the donuts. LOL! No wonder I keep gaining 6lbs every time I go to see my doctor. :) And I must have ice cream every night. It's really quite sad....
LABOR SIGNS: None yet....although I have been having some horrendous lower back pain...but my heating pad helps with that.
BELLY BUTTON IN OR OUT: Still in. Very weird...I thought it was supposed to be out by now. One of my girlfriends told me her belly button never stuck out just got really flat, and I'm wondering if that's how I'm going to be.
WHAT I MISS: Well, I had to buy a maternity bathing suit. So I miss my regular ones. I feel like a beached whale in my new one....
WHAT I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO: A nice relaxing weekend this weekend at the lake. Even though I look like a whale, I'm going to enjoy the sun and water and just relax and not stress about anything. I cannot wait. :)
MILESTONES: Passing Glucose...FO SHO!!
It's just so hard to believe I only have 11 weeks left! Makes me very nervous. Last weekend I got all of Ben's clothes washed and put away. His room smells so fresh and clean. :) Hubby got home from his golf trip and opened up one of the drawers and just inhaled that fresh and clean baby smell. I'm just so excited I can hardly stand it. :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Week 28!
Friday, May 14, 2010
27 WEEKS!!
Your baby moves on to a whole new growth chart this week, while your swollen feet and ankles may need a growth chart of their own!
For a baby, it's time to trade in the old crown-to-rump measurement for a new head-to-toe standard. So what are your baby's stats this week (which, coincidentally, is the end of the second trimester)? Fifteen inches - more than a foot long - and triple (or even quadruple) what he was in week 12. His weight is creeping up the charts as well, coming in at just over two pounds. More big news: Your baby may recognize your voice by now, so feel free to serenade your belly (start learning those lullabies!).
Man what a week it has been! Last Sunday was Mother's Day. I was very spoiled considering I don't consider myself to be a true mommy just yet. My husband gave me the absolute sweetest card, which of course made me cry. And then we FINALLY decided on a name for our little man. It will either be Benjamin or Bennett (Bennett is in the lead thus far), but either way, it's Ben for now. I finally heard my hubby call him Ben at dinner the other night, and it made my heart swell. Much like my stupid feet. It's only mid-May, and my feet are already starting to swell.....does not bode well for July....or August.....Lord help me......
We have exactly 3 months from today. I am officially in my third trimester at this point. It is INSANE how fast the time is going by. I feel like we just found out we were pregnant, and now here we are in the home stretch. Our next doctors appt. is not this Monday, but the following, and I have to do my Glucose test. NOT looking forward to that. I also have to go to the hospital to get a shot. I have A- blood, and apparently when you are a negative you have to get a shot during your 28th week, and also either right before or right after you deliver at the hospital. Since we don't know my husband's blood type. If he were negative, then I wouldn't have to get the shot, but he doesn't know what he is. Oh well. :)
Guess that's all for today. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you soon!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Whats In A Name....
His name is going to be Ben. We haven't officially decided if we'll go with Benjamin or Bennett, but either way he's Ben for now. :) My heart was singing yesterday....what a most perfect Mother's Day Gift.
Friday, May 7, 2010
26 Weeks!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Your baby is about eight and a half inches long and weighs one and a half pounds, gaining steadily at a rate of six ounces per week. Much of that weight comes from accumulating baby fat, as well as from growing organs, bones, and muscle. Those little ears of his are getting sharper and can hear very loud sounds, from a yapping dog to a jackhammer. Also by now, that fabulous face is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair. Is your baby a brunette, a blonde, or a redhead? Actually, right now his locks are white since there's no pigment yet.
It is so weird to think that baby boy's little face is almost fully formed! SO EXCITING! As I type he's kicking away in my belly. I just love this little boy so much I could cry. It's hard to believe you can love someone so much that you've never even met...yet here I am. Hubby has started kissing and talking to my belly more. He's been able to feel baby boy moving A LOT more often now. So it's becoming real to him now I think...well more so than it was before he felt him wiggling around in my belly. Still no names decided. We have a new one that we both like, so we'll have to see what happens with has plenty of nickname options that's for sure. :) I go back to the doctor on Monday, so we'll have another of MY updates next Friday....I'm sure the weight is gonna go up up up again. I don't know what my deal's insane. I have cravings for the weirdest stupid Krispy Kreme Donuts....lame. LOL!
SO...last weekend was my first of three showers! It was SO much fun. My bestie did such a wonderful job, and everything was perfect. Great punch, great food, AMAZING CAKE, not to mention all of my fabulous friends in one room. :) I had such a great time. And my goal was to have my stupid thank you notes done by now....yet all I've done is address them. I haven't written a single one! AND I HAVE ANOTHER SHOWER TONIGHT! Guess I'll be doing that tomorrow! Tonight is my Thornton Family Tea Party. I'm excited about that. Should be fun. Well, I guess that's all of an update I have for now. Have a fantastic weekend!! xoxo
It is weird to think that we live in a world where people can connect on so many different levels, yet not be able to pick a person out of a crowd. I wouldn't be able to pick this man out of 3 different men....yet I mourn his loss. I just ask that you all keep her in your prayers today, and tell everyone in your life how much they mean to you. You just never know....
Friday, April 16, 2010
23 WEEKS!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Week 22
So WOW. What a week I have had. First off, baby boy still doesn't have a name. LOL! Hubby felt the baby kick on Monday night. :) Baby was going CRAZY in my belly, and I told him to just put his hand there and let it rest for a minute and sure enough POP! He was like "OH MY GOSH WAS THAT HIM?!?!" Yes it was. :) It was a very exciting moment. Of course baby boy hasn't been that active since....I don't know what got into him. haha. OH...and this morning I found a chin hair. I thought I was going to die. It was SO LONG! I seriously thought I would die. LOL. Instead I just pulled it and moved on. Got some new maternity clothes this week. I hit up a consignment shop in Middletown...and I tell you what, I got some great deals! I spent $70, got a pair of jeans, khaki shorts, khaki pants that you can cuff, and like 6 or 7 shirts! I didn't pay over $7.50 for any of the shirts, and I think the most expensive thing was the jeans, and they weren't over $15. I was so excited! :) Well, I guess that is all of an update I have at this point. Hope all is well with all of you, and talk to you soon!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
21 Weeks!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
AND IT'S A..............
Monday, March 29, 2010
Also...Baby has decided play time is at 5 in the morning. Which by the way is when I have to get up to potty. And then there I my child kicks me. Don't get me wrong...I definitely cherish those moments, I just wish baby liked to party in the afternoon instead of in the morning. :)
I am also nervous about tomorrow....I'm afraid to get on the scale! My appetite has DEFINITELY increased since my last visit, and I'm afraid I've put on too much weight! YIKES!! I don't want to put on too much because I don't want it to be too difficult to get off. Oh well....nothing I can do about it at this point I guess. :)
Okay...that's all for now. Back to work I go. more thing...please pray for my friend J who lost her mother to cancer this weekend. Her mom was only 59 years old....the entire family is of course devastated. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers...and J if you happen to read my blog....I Love You!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Who do you Call?!?!
So me being the planner that I am, have started making lists. Lists about what to pack for the hospital, lists about who to call when I go into labor, so on and so forth. And let me tell you....the who to call when I go into labor list is HUGE. And I don't really even have any family on there because I figured my parents and in-laws can help out on that front! I do you make that decision on who to call versus who to text versus who really cares when you go into labor?? I mean naturally...I know EVERYONE will want to know....but where do you draw that line? Do you just call immediate family and leave it at that? My biggest fear is that I will offend somebody...and that is the LAST thing that I want to do. I mean I'm sure people don't really care if they get a phone call or a text or find out on Facebook....but how do you limit that list?? Quite frankly it's insane. LOL. I'm thinking I will ask my friends what they want...and perhaps will only put on the CALL list those that will want to come to the hospital to visit or see the baby.
And then there's a whole different list for who to call once baby is actually here! I mean my goodness.....AAAHHHH!!! Can you say overwhelm?!?!?! I might just have to tell people that aren't at the hospital to keep an eye out for Facebook....because if you know me and my iPhone...we're attached at the hip, and I'm sure once baby is cleaned up either myself or Hubby will have that shot on the iPhone that will be posted onto Facebook. Probably should make sure grandparents get to see baby first though...I mean can you imagine...sitting in the waiting room anxiously awaiting the arrival of your grandchild only to click on your phone and see a photo of said child on the Internet before you even get a chance to see them?? LOL! I'd be dead! So...that's where we stand on THAT front.
Pregnancy Classes. We are all signed up. We are taking just about every single class that they offer...minus the ones for second time parents, and the looney's who decide to go drug free. haha! We start those classes the first week of April. I'm so excited to get started. I am so anxious to learn all I can...and watch my husband as he learns. :) Since we didn't go to college together, we have never taken a class together before. This could be interesting. :) Fortunately no tests...I hope!
Well, that's all I have for today. 8 more days until we find out about little Baby T! CAN NOT WAIT to find out of we paint the nursery blue or pink!