Holy Moly! 2 months from today my baby brother is getting MARRIED! Crazy time. It's hard to believe it's so close....yet to think of being on vacation, it seems SO FAR away. It's nice to have something to think about that isn't baby related though. I still feel everyone is getting pregnant but me, I recently found out a couple of girls from high school who just had babies and I didn't even know they were pregnant! So seriously...EVERYONE! Anywho....back to vacation talk. :) We leave November 18 for Naples, Florida. I cannot wait. We'll be down there for 10 glorious days. The wedding is on the 22, so from the 23 - 27 we can do whatever we want to. I suppose I should start putting together an "itinerary" for hubby and myself....so we can make sure to cram in as much fun and relaxation as possible. I think he's going to take his golf clubs....he wasn't going to, but now he is I think...which works just fine for me...I'll go to the beach and read. :) Man o Man I cannot wait. ;) Here are some pictures of the beach...from the last time we went....almost 3 years ago!! Tell me you don't just absolutely love it. I'll talk to you soon!!
Okay so I have now added the photos, and I WISH I WAS THERE NOW!!!