Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay, so I have about a million and one things that I should be doing here at work....instead, here I sit and blog. In my defense, I haven't blogged in quite a few days so I feel like I really need to get some of this out of my system. :)

SO...First up, my husband and I are meeting with a loan officer today. I'm excited and nervous and slightly anxious (big surprise) about it. I'm sure we'll be fine, we have everything in order where it needs to be, and we have been pre-approved by another lender already....but the back of my mind I'm terrified that we won't be approved and then what happens to my gorgeous new home?!?! Now, for those of you that don't know me, my thoughts are nothing unusual...I had similar thoughts Sunday morning as I was driving to my accountants office to drop off all of our tax information. I was completely terrified that we were going to owe. Now, first off I don't even think it would be possible for us to owe....I mean I was unemployed for almost a quarter last year! Needless to say, picked up our "packet" this afternoon and we do not owe. We actually are getting a nice little lump sum back. Which is great, because we need that money for our down payment on the house. :)

Something that I am doing to keep my mind off of feeling anxious about meeting with the loan officer....I have started planning our Derby party. I know...I have completely lost it. It's not even within 8 weeks and here I am planning away. Figuring up menus, games to have, it's ridiculous. My cousin posted on my facebook that I was Nanny II...and for those of you who don't know my grandmother...clearly that is where I received my early party planning skills from. I however do not prepurchase food and store it in the freezer. ;) Yes folks thats right...most of my grandmother's parties consist of freezer burned food that neither I nor my husband will eat. We make sure to eat off of the dishes that other people have brought for the occasion. Now...not to say I don't love my grandmother, because I definitely do, I just don't want people to have freezer burned food at my home. :)

So yes, that is what is going on with me...on top of all that, my best friend is pregnant and she is due the same day we're set to close on the house! HOWEVER...she went to the doctor this past Monday (5 weeks to go) and the baby weighs 7 POUNDS!! Totally crazy. So now I'm feeling nervous and anxious about that as well. The baby will be my God-son, and already I feel protective of the little guy. Doesn't hurt that I wasn't raised with any sisters, and I'm convinced that is why God gave me her. Makes me nervous for her...I mean I wouldn't want some 10 pound turkey comin out my hoohah. Not that I'm comparing my darling God-son to a turkey...but you get the idea. weekend I'm going to go over to their house and help her get everything in order that needs to be in order. It's funny because she is always the organized planner of the two of us, and yet here I am helping her to plan and get organized. But I suppose when you have pregnancy brain you can use even me for help. :)

Okay yeah so now I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Crazy Weekend...

So...this past weekend was RIDICULOUS. We were so incredibly busy! It started Friday night with us having my husbands grandpa and cousin (and her famiily) and his brother and brother-in-law all over for dinner. We do this about once a month..well we rotate where we go, and we figured why not host one last time before we move into the NEW HOUSE. So we had a fantastic meal Friday evening with everyone. Saturday morning we got up early and went to check on the house...heat is on, and they are painting again and it looks so much like a house. It's fantastic. Then we got on the road to travel to Lex-Vegas! We went to the UK UT game. It was awesome. We met up with my cousin and her husband and their friends and we had lunch and then hit up the game. It was pretty awesome. After that we drove back home and took a rest for an hour, and then we met friends out for drinks and dinner followed by a party. We didn't get home ridiculously late or anything, probably in bed and asleep by about 12:45, but Sunday morning I was hurtin. I thought my head was going to explode. I don't know what that was about. But of course another busy day yesterday. It was dad's birthday, and with them out of town I had to get everything for dinner, plus pick up his present, drop off our tax stuff to my uncle...and the list goes on and on and on. On the fun side, my best friend and her husband are renovating a condo on Everett, and they had an open house yesterday for friends and family and anyone else who happened to see the sign and stop by. The work they have done is unbelieavable. Seriously...doesn't at all look like the same place they bought months and months and months ago. :) So, if anyone is interested in buying over in the Highlands let me know and I'll give you their information. ALSO, they started their own business, and let me tell you, the tile work in the kitchen and bathroom is amazing. So if you need tile work done let me know that too and I'll give you their information. :) Thats all for now.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday....OOOooooOOOO

Hello Hello Hello! What a WONDERFUL weekend I had. :) It started at around 2:30ish on Friday. My WONDERFUL husband had flowers sent to me at work. :) They are absolutely gorgeous. We met at Sam's after work to get some fruit for a fruit salad that we were taking to his Grandpa's Friday night for a family dinner. It was a semi-sad occasion. We were celebrating February birthdays, which include Geoffrey's grandmother (passed in 2006) and his Uncle Steve who tragically passed last month. But with a family as large as his, with so many kids running around, it wasn't sad long.

Saturday I was able to sleep in...sort of...and then got caught up on my tv shows that I dvr'd during the week while Geoff went into work for a while. When he got home we had some lunch and then went to check out the house! They primed all of the interior walls and got the ceilings painted. :) It was very exciting. After that we went home to start getting ready for dinner. We had an 8:15 dinner reservation at Ruth Chris Steakhouse. It was FANTASTIC. :) Very yummy, and after dinner we went downtown to his brothers house for a quick minute. Then back home...where the romance didn't end.....

So on Sunday we got up and went to the grocery...I had plans with my mom to go and visit my cousins babies yesterday...and yes I said babieS. Twin girls...and we had decided to take some dinner and things over so they could just relax and not have to worry about food for the evening or tonight we took over TONS. So we went over there last night around 4:30...we stayed for 2 HOURS! It was so much fun. And let me tell you...identical twins....seriously...can't even tell them apart. It's totally crazy. On top of having 2 new babies, they also have an 18-month old daughter as well. 3 girls under the age of 2! God bless 'em.

So that was my fun weekend. I always think of like millions of things I want to say and by the time I actually have time to sit down and type things out I ramble nothingness for a few paragraphs and log out. Oh well. That's my life in a nutshell!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love is in the Air

Love is in the air people....can you feel it?!? :) I got one heck of a happy surprise at work today! Flowers delivered to me by my husband. It's the small things in life that make you the happiest. I have been in one heck of a fantastic mood ever since. Tomorrow is Valentine's day. Last year our Valentine's day was HORRIBLE. We both had the flu. Fortunately I shop early and Geoff at least got a card, I did get flowers....from my dad! LOL. Needless to say it was pretty much a wash. I think we had grilled cheese for dinner. L-A-M-E! This year we're doin it up right! Fo Sho!! Ruth Chris Steakhouse. I am so incredibly excited. I LOVE going there for dinner....and even more importantly dessert! So that is really all I have to say today. I am going to end with a quote by the great Dr. Seuss "When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Yeah, so I try to use a font different than "Font" but every single time it changes back halfway through my ranting and raving. What's up with that?!?!

Weekends that you Never want to end....

So, I meant to blog yesterday, but everytime I sat down to "chat" something would come ringing, or something needing to be sent out UPS at work or something of that nature. So here I am on a lovely rainy gloomy Tuesday morning about to tell you all about my very exciting weekend. :) I'm sure you're stoked.

First, my weekend started Friday evening after work by driving to our house! It is under construction, and we should be able to close on April 7! Hard to believe it is only 2 months away....8 weeks from today! YIKES!! So they had done a lot of work the past few days. All of the drywall was up, so it actually looks like a house on the inside now. It's funny that without walls all of the rooms looked so incredibly small, yet now that the drywall is up they look HUGE! Especially the bonus room above the seems gargantuan. Seriously...very large.

After I left the house I went back home (for those of you that don't know me, my husband and I have been living in my parents basement since OCTOBER!). I let the dogs out and got them fed. When Geoff got home (husband) he worked on getting my dad's new stereo thingy all hooked up. So I got to chill out in the basement watching all the shows I had dvr'd last week. Sounds boring, but it was absolutely perfect. Then we ordered in pizza and just hung out the two of us and went to bed early. An absolutely perfect evening.

Saturday morning I got up early, played with the dogs and got them fed and ready. Geoff had to go into work, but luckily I had plans! I had an all day girls event with my best friend Erica and another one of our close friends Amanda. Now, for those of you that don't know the situation, Amanda, Erica, and I were SUPERCLOSE in high school and most of the way through college. Then some things happened that created not so much a strain, but definitely some distance. So we began to not hang out anymore. It was horrible. So with all the wedding stuff last year, of course I contacted Amanda about coming and getting together and all that jazz. Then, we FINALLY heard from her...and what a busy year she had! She became a mommy!! SO...Saturday was our first girls day. It was awesome. We had so much freakin fun. was crazy. We started the morning with breakfast at Toast on Market. None of us had ever been there, and let me just tell you...the food was fantastic. So if you ever need a place for a nice breakfast and you want somewhere different you should definitely check it out. I recommend calling ahead to get your name on the list. We got luck with just a 15 minute wait, but I've heard it can get up to as long as 2 hours! So, we spent probably close to 2 hours at Toast just talking and laughing and playing with Vincent (the baby). It was great. As if time hadn't passed at all.

After that we headed over to Oxmoor to walk and talk and window shop. While we were there I got a phone call from my wedding photographer that our album was in!! So after leaving Oxmoor Erica and I ran by her condo in the Highlands to pick up some tools (it's for sale) and then we got the album!! It is fantastic and I'm so very grateful that we got one.

Saturday night we went out with my brothers-in-law to celebrate their 6 YEAR anniversary. We went to a restaurant called Mojito over off Brownsboro road. It was absolutely fantastic. I cannot wait to go back there. All of the portions are small, so we ordered I feel like 1 of just about everything on the menu. We ate and drank and laughed and had a great time. I highly recommend that restaurant. After all the booze and food it ended up only costing $25/person! Which was insanely cheap I thought for all that we had gotten. And if you do in fact go, you HAVE to get the Tres Chocolate dessert. Unbelievable. After we left Mojito, we ran over to a friends house for about an hour and then went home and passed out. We were both completely exhausted.

Sunday we got up early and cleaned cleaned cleaned. My parents are getting new windows in their basement (where we are currently living) so we had to make sure all of our stuff was put away, and get any and everything near a window moved out into the living space. It looks like someone's house threw up in the basement...probably our house since it's mostly our stuff! I swear, a person never knows how much stuff they accumulate until they move. It's ridiculous.

Sunday afternoon I went to a babyshower for my friend Erica. It was a good time, and baby Jack got some GREAT gifts. After the babyshower I went back home, helped with dinner, watched some shows stayed up way too late and went to bed.

So, there's my weekend in a nutshell. Might not seem like much, but it's the small things in life isn't it? They always make things better. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

New Year New You

SO...shortly after the new year I got on a scale for the first time since RIGHT BEFORE my wedding. It was sickening. That night I rode a bike for 30 minutes (thought I was gonna die) and then did the same the following night. Shockingly there was no pain...I thought for sure I would be so incredibly sore. Then the ice storm came. For those of you that know me, you know ice or snow or even sometimes rain and me driving do not mix. So it was a week of being driven everywhere. One day we stayed home all day because the roads were so bad. We were very fortunate in that we didn't lose power. Friends of ours did though, so they came over to spend the week with us! That first night we played a game on the Wii. The next day I wanted to die. Seriously, I couldn't even move my arm to use my computer mouse without feeling pain. It was insane. Fortunately, my husband and I already owned a Wii, we were just missing the FIT. I have been looking for one for probably a good 4 months. Then lo and behold the other day online I found one. I paid an arm and a leg for it, but since we got it last week we've been using it just about every night. I gotta tell you....watching my husband do some of the things on there is just flat out hysterical. He mind you I'm sure watching me do it is just as funny, but those workouts are so much fun and you don't even realize you're working out! So my goal is to lose....just wait....30lbs. I'm curious to see if I even can lose it, and how long it will take me to lose it. Because let me tell mii on the wii fit is lookin kinda chunky....I'd love to see a smaller version. I have started eating better...taking my lunch to work, making sure we eat healthier at home at night. It is very hard though....Super Bowl, Baby Showers, you name it I've got one planned it feels like. Always places where the best options to eat is a veggie tray and other than that you're outta luck. But I'm gonna keep on keepin on....the main reason for my focus on weight loss....I want to have a baby. Don't get me wrong...I am absolutely scared to death at the thought of actually being pregnant and having my own...even though I cannot still terrifies me. I'm scared that if I don't lose the weight I wont' be able to get pregnant. I did however see a psychic sometime in November, and she said I was very "fertile" so I'm curious to see if once we start officially "trying" if we get lucky on the first "shot" so to speak. ;) I guess that's all I have to say for now. Hope my rambling kept you entertained for at least a minute or two. Talk to you soon.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Well Here I am....

Wow...after all the poking fun of my friends who have started blogs here I sit. I'm not even sure if I have enough to say to fill a blog...I mean I KNOW I have enough to say...but whether or not it is enough for people to find interesting now that is another story. I guess I'll start by posting my 25 random facts about myself...yes, I am on facebook. ;)

1. I was robbed while working at a bank almost 2 years ago. To this day anytime someone scares me I breakdown and cry uncontrolably.

2. I absolutely adore my job -- I enjoy the work, and I enjoy the people I work with even more.

3. I worked 4 jobs in 2008 -- and was unemployed for nearly 3 months.

4. I married my best friend, and I love him more every single day...even those days when he tests my patience and we fight and bicker and rank each other a 2...the worst day with him is still better than the best day without him.

5. I have very few close friends, but I would willingly give my life for any of them.

6. I have the best parents in the entire world...I aspire to be as loving and warm and open towards my children as they are to me.

7. I love kids -- but am absolutely terrified to have them -- I am afraid mine won't like me.

8. I am about to be a Godmother for a third time -- all boys.

9. My brother is marrying a wonderful woman, and as they plan their wedding I find myself wishing I could go back and do it all over again.

10. We are building a house, and while most of me is overly excited, a small part of me wishes we could live in my parents basement a little while longer.

11. I got on the scale this morning for the first time in about 6 was scary. Time to make a life-change with my eating and working out habits.

12. I am OCD about the weirdest things...such as my food touching each other...yet my bedroom is a disaster.

13. I am sickeningly addicted to Jon & Kate + 8

14. I like all different kinds of music...except for the stuff my husband likes.

15. When I was 7 years old a teacher called on me to read in class, I didn't even make it through the first sentence without her telling me she didn't think I was paying attention and I could stop now that she knew I was. After that I never volunteered to read in class again.

16. I am happier right now with my life than I have ever been before.

17. Everytime I have to go to a funeral I find myself pondering my own death and I scare myself so badly that I have to take a sleeping pill to fall asleep.

18. I have thought about starting a blog for months, but gave people such a hard time about doing them that I don't want to be a hypocrite....and not only that, but what if no one cares about things I have to say?

19. My dream vacation is lying on a beach with my husband....but he hates the beach.

20. I have never been to Europe...and am dying to go but don't know if I ever will.

21. When I'm sick you can always tell because it's one of the few times you'll see me without a smile on my face.

22. Aside from the occassional glass of wine with dinner, or a cocktail while out I don't drink...too many things happened in my childhood and it scares me to think I could do those things to someone else.

23. I love hosting much so that I have to get myself geared up to go to other peoples houses.

24. I bought the first Twilight book over a month ago and it is still sitting unread in the backseat of my car...I'm afraid Harry Potter will think I'm cheating on him.

25. I met my husband while dating someone else...and I thank God for that other man every single day because without him I would not be with my soul mate.

So there you have in a nutshell.